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Springtime: are you buzzing?

Mike Copland

Spring is with us as, once again, nature shows its power over everything that we humans mess up. And WildCookham is continuing in its efforts to help Spring and all the other seasons do what they’re supposed to do.

With this comes a call for more people to help make it all happen. Our thanks to those who are putting up nest boxes for our Save the House Martin project and checking out sites for more swallow nests; to the teams that have been planting more hedgerow at Battlemead and continuing the management of the Harris Woodbridge reserve in Cookham Dean; to the school nest box project workers (and to Rotary and the Borough for their support for this); to the Mink Monitors who are helping to keep these invaders away from our recently introduced water voles; to our glow worm team now planning a bigger broader survey this summer and trying to protect the colonies we have in Cookham; to the Toad Patrol helping our diminishing colony of these amphibians; to the gang who will be introducing a wild flower area on Alfred Major and the team that provided a complete study of the flora and fauna of the Odney Club; to our Cookham Neighbourhood Plan team and to the many volunteers who are spreading the wild gardens message across Cookham; to the 800 friends who make our Facebook page so valuable. And thanks to all the people who have recently joined us to make a difference.

The Borough’s Biodiversity Action Plan is also nearly agreed. This will create the opportunity – and the need – for more volunteer activity to help meet the target of 30% of the land in the Borough saved for nature by 2030.

So more volunteers – of all ages - please. No matter how much or little you can do, or what your expertise (or lack of it is), there is a role for you. Contact And, in case you forget, please do it now!

And, when that’s done, add your garden to the 100+ in Cookham going a bit wild. This year’s Wild Gardens Awards open on 31st March. Lots of advice on how you can do this on our website ( and via our Facebook page. Meanwhile, enjoy the glories of our Spring!


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