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WildCookham Fungi Meeting at Quarry Wood

Andrew Padmore

On Sunday 9th October at 10.30am, 12-15 very enthusiastic WC members congregated in Quarry Wood, in beautiful weather, to try & find some interesting fungi.

I did supply some examples collected locally from the day before. Displayed, were some of the best- known genus groups. Damp & warm conditions are perfect, which can extend the season into November until the frosts appear. The woods are starting to dry out, but still a good chance of finding a few rarities. A comprehensive list below:-

LACTARIUS blennius

LACTARIUS rufus AMANITA citrina. False Death Cap AMANITA var. alba AMANITA muscaria. The Fly Agaric. Hallucinogenic/Poisonous AMANITA phalloides. The Death Cap. Deadly poisonous AMANITA rubescens. The Blusher AMANITA pantherina. The Panther Cap. Very poisonous RUSSULA vesca. The Bare-toothed Russula RUSSULA nigricans. The Blackening Russula RUSSULA delica. The Milk-white Russula RUSSULA cyanoxantha. The Charcoal Burner RUSSULA atropurpurea LYCOPERDON gigantium. The Giant Puff-ball LYCOPERDON perlatum, probably COPRINUS picaceus. The Magpie Cap COPRINUS micaceus. The Glistening Ink Cap PLEUROTUS ostreatus. The Oyster Fungus OUDEMANSIELLA mucida. The Porcelain Fungus COLLYBIA erythropus COLLYBIA fusipes. The Spindle Shank BOLETUS chrysenteron. The red-cracking Boletus BOLETUS edulis. The Penny Bun/Cep/Porcini. Best edible MYCENA haematopus. The Bloody Mycena HYDNUM repandum. The Hedgehog or Rubber Brush. Good edible LACCARIA laccata. The Deceiver LACCARIA var amethystina. The Amethyst Deceiver PAXILLUS involutus. The Brown Roll-rim CORIOLUS versicular. The Many Zoned Polypore or Turkey Tail HYPHOLOMA fasciculare. The Sulphur Tuft HYPHOLOMA sublateritium. Brick Caps MARASMIUS androsaceus. The Horse-hair Fungus SULPHUR polypore. Chicken of the Woods GANODERMA applanatum. The Artist's Fungus


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